i havent written anything here since i left antaiji, so here's what happened, in a nutshell. when i got back to osaka i started looking into going to korea and visiting some friends there. it turned out to be a little more expensive than i'd thought, especially being in osaka. and w/ all the health stuff been going on since i left india, i decided to just go to back to holland. eat good, get my health back together a little bit and plan my next move. so i bought a ticket home for as soon as i could, about a week from then. guess what? the next day a volcano erupted in iceland, knocking out all air traffic in and out of europe for many many days. a week later, when i was due to fly home, they still werent sure if i'd make it all the way back to europe that same day. but since i had a layover in malaysia, they decided to just let me go ahead and figure it out.
i ended up being stranded in malaysia for pert near a whole week! it wasnt bad. kinda nice actually, because it felt like something half way in between japan and india, in terms of people and culture. but japan had been kinda chilly, so coming to malaysia was quite a shock to the system! i held quite a bit of siesta, ill tell you that! because my flight had been cancelled, being in touch w/ the airlines and trying to get on a flight home took up quite a chunk of my time, preventing me from maybe seeing as much of malaysia as i'd liked. but there were a lot of chinese teashops in the area where i was staying, selling really nice pu'er teas. so once i found out about that, i spend quite a big chunk of my time hanging out there, drinking tea and learning more about the process. so all in all getting stranded ended up being quite enjoyable!