good lord - 5 months in india done flew by, just like that! today is my last day in in india. i'm staying in majnu ka tilla, which is an oasis of peace in the chaos of delhi. well, atleast comparatively! i put my mom on a cab to the airport yesterday morning at 2am, and i heard she got home safe last night. i'm really grateful for the time we got to spend together. not only did she take great care of me - 'got me fed and clothed nicely - we also had a genuinely good time together. very positive. we shared many thoughts and ideas. i was gonna say we laughed & cried together, but didn't even fight once - it was all good times. well, maybe with the exception of me being a little vocal once or twice about feeling uncomfortable staying in such 'nice' hotels and guesthouses. most would have been considered shabby anywhere else in the world, but staying in developing asia for a while changes one's perspective on these things considerably. it did mine, anyway. there's still plenty of places i didnt get to see - india is such a vast land - and i made many friends here, so im sure ill be back in the not-so-distant future. after i get back from asia i have to figure out how to balance the music and my love for living in asia, in a practical sense.
but for now, my eyes are on the here and now. tonight (local indian time) ill be flying to japan to spend a few months there at the zen monestary i wrote about, antaiji. i really dont know what to expect, but i do know that no expectations are the best expectations. it doesnt make for a good story - atleast not right now - but its gods honest truth.
my mom also bought me a tiny little indian-made travel guitar before she left, so ive been fleshing out some of the songs ive been writing over these past 6 months. i realise that you can take max out of rock-n-roll, but you cant take the rock out of max. i really intend on getting back together with my bros back in europe and start up the muddy grande again. it's the new sound, and it's exiting!