as most of you probably know, these guys took me out on the road for quite a number of weeks about two years ago. at the time i knew i would like to pursue a career in music, but i didnt really know how to manifest it. was looking in the wrong places, for me atleast, the educational world. now i had been listening to kyuss since what must have been when i was 8 or 9 years old and had been meaning to go to a number of brant's shows for one or two years, but i'd always end up missing them. so when they played a string of three dates in april of 2005 i made damn sure i was going to every single one of them. was really digging the music around that time (still am, man!). well, long story short, as most of you have already heard this spiel, that changed my life, hands down. they opened up my eyes and basicly told me; max, you got something going, you're young, talanted, if you want to do music, do it now man. get out there, dont wait till you're older. you can always go back to school. and they were right, man. first thing i did when i got back from touring with them mid june, or july, is hand in my resignation at the university. was the best thing i ever did, and well, the rest is history, so far. got me all the way to japan.
but to put those pictures into perspective, my little sister was going to see brant play in holland, so i told her to go say hi. my mom ended up going with her and went into the venue early, and just kinda approached brant. what kind of caught me by surprise is that he was really exited to hear about me. the moment my mom introduced herself he stood up and asked her how i was doing. he asked her if i'd told her that we met at the airport (back in october, search my log for that entry) and was just generally pleased to hear about me. 'max is following is heart, he's getting rad. it blows me away to hear what he's doing'. they talked for a good 10-15 minutes and brant put my mom and sis on the guestlist, got them in for free and treated them righteous. made me feel good man. my sis spent the time backstage with the cortez and all. havent hear from her yet, but i bet she's got some stories. cortez is a righteous dude too, like a second father, big brother and best friend all in one. i have nothing but love for the dude. makes me think back to a year and a half ago, when i played with Fatso Jetson in the troubadour. he was so stoked for me, let me use his amp and helped me set up, whole nine yards. made me feel so good, its hard to describe.
for some reason i feel like unable to convey the exitement i felt yesterday, but man i was so fucking stoked... surprised, i broke down in tears when i saw those pictures. completelly caught me by surprise. all i can say is, fucking right on.... ill go on and rock. peace!